Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Row and Jump

Row, row, row your boat and jump down off the mantle....merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, please don't hurt your knees!

Snow Days

Snow, snow everywhere
The train conductors

Mason and the gingerbread train. We made real gingerbread so we could eat them since the train did not taste very good!

Winter Time Pics

Snow day project. I think more candy was eaten than actually put on the train!

Sideways Christmas tree. Th boys love looking at the ornament
Mason being silly

Super Ninja Masters

Hayden, Mason and Cameron on game day.

New pics

Mr. Potato Cameron
Brobee, Optimus Prime, Vampire Princess, Diva Pirate and Ninja on Halloween!

GG and her boys

Mason, Cam and Mr. P this summer

Brotherly love

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Birthday

I am now 34... a little more grey but definitely wiser!

Halloween...a bit early

The boys have been wearing their Halloween costumes from the time we get home until I have to pry them off to put pjs on at bedtime. Here we have Optimus Prime (OP for short) and Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba. Ben really wants to be DJ Lance Rock! (You will think that is funny if you have ever watched the show:)! )

My favorite pic

I took this picture at GG and Grandpa's farm. It is one of my faves!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Maxey continued

Big man on campus
Mason and his friend Emily

Mason and Mrs. Cade

Mason in his classroom

More pictures from the first day of school.

First Day of School

The ride to Maxey

Mason started kindergarten today at Maxey. He was very excited for his first day of school. Ben and I are hoping he will grow into his backpack! When we arrived at school Mason was quick to greet all of his old friends from his daycare and was eager to meet new friends. His teacher's name is Mrs. Cade. My baby is growing up!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Bunnies

These are my Easter bunnies. We had fun making bunny ears and hopping around like rabits. Hope you all have a blessed Easter!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Nina

Happy Birthday Nina! We love you and can't wait to celebrate with you when you are in Nebraska!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A few more photos

Alive and well in Lincoln, NE

It has been a long, long time since my last post. We are now settled in to our new hometown. The kids are in "school" now and are doing well. Mason is full of questions....usually the same ones over and over including, "is my room at the front of the house or the back of the house?" and , "is this a big airplane or a little one?" If you have talked to Mason lately you probabaly have a smile on your face. Cameron is growing up so fast and his vocabulary is expanding every day. We just added 2 new members to the Copple family. Big Red and Lil Red (named by Mason) are our new goldfish. Mason is their caretaker and trying to be helpful poured about 1/3 of a large bottle of fish food into the tank! Either the fish will expire, or they won't have to eat agian for a month! Ben is enjoying his new job and I am back to being a real nurse...right down to wearing scrubs again and using my stethescope daily! We are thankful for all of the help and support our families have given us during this crazy transitional time and can't wait to have visitors to our new home in middle America....and Nina and Papa need to hurry up and get here! Here are some pics over the past month or two....enjoy!