Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Row and Jump

Row, row, row your boat and jump down off the mantle....merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, please don't hurt your knees!

Snow Days

Snow, snow everywhere
The train conductors

Mason and the gingerbread train. We made real gingerbread so we could eat them since the train did not taste very good!

Winter Time Pics

Snow day project. I think more candy was eaten than actually put on the train!

Sideways Christmas tree. Th boys love looking at the ornament
Mason being silly

Super Ninja Masters

Hayden, Mason and Cameron on game day.

New pics

Mr. Potato Cameron
Brobee, Optimus Prime, Vampire Princess, Diva Pirate and Ninja on Halloween!

GG and her boys

Mason, Cam and Mr. P this summer

Brotherly love